martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


We defined urinary incontinence as the involuntary loss of urine, objectively demonstrable, which causes a social or hygienic problem as it comes at a time and place unsuitable.

It is a dysfunction that occurs in both healthy individuals and patients with persistent, and originates various causes. It is a major health problem because of its connotations often as psychological, social and economic. Although it is associated with a severe prognosis, limited autonomy, self-esteem and reduces significantly impairs the quality of life of those who suffer.
It's a problem more common in women than in men and often clearly increases with age, and this factor most closely associated with urinary incontinence.


There are several types of incontinence and the same person may have several to see.
The types of urinary incontinence are:
  • Urgency
  • Effort (or stress)
  • Mixed
  • Transitional
  • Overflow
  • Functional


As nurses we must conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the needs of each patient, as it is a disease that generates high healthcare spending.
Contents: History, physical and psychological exploration, laboratory tests, diagnosis, plan actions, inform the patient and psychological support this.

  • Drinking 2L of fluids a day, being higher intake in the morning than at night, to improve sleep.
  • Performing Kegel exercises to improve the muscles and control incontinence.
  • Organize urination schedule.
  • Analyze what happens or what makes a person go to urinate.
  • Organize group exercise classes
  • Facilitate access to the bathroom, clothing, home lighting ...
  • Promote hygiene
  • Notify your doctor at the feeling of fever, chills, lower abdominal pain in the lower back, flank, urgency, change in color, odor, amount of urine, signs of infection.


Zunzunegui Pastor, M.V. Rodriguez Laso, A. Prevalencia de la incontinencia urinaria y factores asociados en varones y mujeres de más de 65 años, 2003. Disponible en:

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