The elderly require a comprehensive and interdisciplinary care include not only cash but also the recovery of their health promotion, and family and individual growth to achieve autonomy.
This is where the nurse should be part of it through their integrity and specific care that performed based on the nursing process.
The nursing process is a rational and systematic planning and provision of care that aims to:
- Identify the patient's health status and problems relating to health care.
- Establishing care plans that meet identified needs.
- Provide specific interventions to meet those needs.
The process of care in geriatric nursing is divided into 5 stages:
- Assessment
- Diagnosis
- Planning
- Execution
- Evaluation
It is very important to obtain a comprehensive view of old and active aging to delay dependency and enhance functional capacity and autonomy. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, the objective is proposed to develop a nursing assessment tool, based on the conceptual model of Virginia Henderson and complemented with questionnaires and validated scales to detect the needs of the elderly, weigh the risk of geriatric syndromes and plan appropriate care (geriatric nursing care process).
Vallejo Sánchez J M. et al. Valoración enfermera geriátrica. Un modelo de registro en residencias de ancianos, 2007. Disponible en:
Interrelaciones Nanda, Noc y Nic. Elsevier Mosby. Segunda edición. Madrid, 2007
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